Home: Rome

How can I even begin? Our days have been so filled with an abundance of blessings! How does one describe the feeling of walking into St. Peter's Square and gazing upon the heights of the Basilica, Pope Benedict's bedroom windows, and the Obelisk in the middle of the square? (The Obelisk that may have been the last thing that St. Peter saw before he died!) I guess all I can say is that as soon as I walked into that square.. I felt at home.

This morning was the start of yet another beautiful day. Our Bernardi group had tickets to the Papal Audience, and this was the first time I would be seeing the Pope. The moment I saw Papa Bene walk on to the stage with a spring in his step, warm smile on his face, and hand waving in the air, I fell in love!


The Bernardi girls awaiting their Papa!


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